

Abbey Farm specifically caters for educational visits. We aim to provide schools with an opportunity to learn about where their food comes from, share the countryside we live in and learn about the environment.

Our aim is to provide a ‘Countryside Classroom’ on a working farm, where we have many resources for our visitors

We aim to allow children to see how a modern farm works, see wildlife and the countryside for themselves and to learn about where their food comes from.  This all takes place in an enjoyable and safe, CEVAS trained environment School visits can be tailored to link with specific topics but generally Our genuine educational and fun-filled experience links well with cross-curricular subjects at all levels within the National Curriculum.

We hope the ‘Countryside Classroom’ at Abbey Farm,  can be used to give children at your School, inspiration and information about parts of the curriculum that are sometimes difficult to teach in a classroom environment. Having just completed the works, we would like to share with you the1st mud and stud barn to be built in Lincolnshire for over 300 years!

Visits are FREE to schools.

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For more information please contact us for a EYFS / KS1 or KS2  information pack, or download them here:

download pack keystage 1

download pack keystage 2